path: root/hevc.c
diff options
authorMikhail Burakov <>2023-05-14 15:01:56 +0200
committerMikhail Burakov <>2023-05-14 15:01:56 +0200
commit849bc346ff57fdd2ecdd9e8c62eb9c359d130af1 (patch)
tree7585975db45e987f111fd7a1453ac98fa120fe56 /hevc.c
parent0dd18e10061a9ef7ce841d204ac8da59cfd37495 (diff)
Extract hevc bitstream formatters to separate file
Diffstat (limited to 'hevc.c')
1 files changed, 711 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hevc.c b/hevc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5328139
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hevc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2023 Mikhail Burakov. This file is part of streamer.
+ *
+ * streamer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * streamer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with streamer. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "hevc.h"
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "bitstream.h"
+// mburakov: Below entries are hardcoded by ffmpeg:
+static const uint8_t vps_video_parameter_set_id = 0;
+static const bool vps_base_layer_internal_flag = 1;
+static const bool vps_base_layer_available_flag = 1;
+static const uint8_t vps_max_layers_minus1 = 0;
+static const uint8_t vps_max_sub_layers_minus1 = 0;
+static const bool vps_temporal_id_nesting_flag = 1;
+static const uint8_t general_profile_space = 0;
+static const bool general_progressive_source_flag = 1;
+static const bool general_interlaced_source_flag = 0;
+static const bool general_non_packed_constraint_flag = 1;
+static const bool general_frame_only_constraint_flag = 1;
+static const bool general_one_picture_only_constraint_flag = 0;
+static const bool vps_sub_layer_ordering_info_present_flag = 0;
+static const uint32_t vps_max_latency_increase_plus1 = 0;
+static const uint8_t vps_max_layer_id = 0;
+static const uint32_t vps_num_layer_sets_minus1 = 0;
+static const bool vps_timing_info_present_flag = 1;
+static const bool vps_poc_proportional_to_timing_flag = 0;
+static const uint32_t vps_num_hrd_parameters = 0;
+static const uint8_t sps_video_parameter_set_id = vps_video_parameter_set_id;
+static const uint8_t sps_max_sub_layers_minus1 = vps_max_sub_layers_minus1;
+static const bool sps_temporal_id_nesting_flag = vps_temporal_id_nesting_flag;
+static const uint32_t sps_seq_parameter_set_id = 0;
+static const uint32_t log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 = 8;
+static const bool sps_sub_layer_ordering_info_present_flag =
+ vps_sub_layer_ordering_info_present_flag;
+static const uint32_t sps_max_latency_increase_plus1 =
+ vps_max_latency_increase_plus1;
+static const uint32_t num_short_term_ref_pic_sets = 0;
+static const bool long_term_ref_pics_present_flag = 0;
+static const bool vui_parameters_present_flag = 1;
+static const uint8_t video_format = 5;
+static const bool vui_timing_info_present_flag = 1;
+static const bool vui_poc_proportional_to_timing_flag =
+ vps_poc_proportional_to_timing_flag;
+static const bool vui_hrd_parameters_present_flag = 0;
+static const bool bitstream_restriction_flag = 1;
+static const bool motion_vectors_over_pic_boundaries_flag = 1;
+static const bool restricted_ref_pic_lists_flag = 1;
+static const uint32_t max_bytes_per_pic_denom = 0;
+static const uint32_t max_bits_per_min_cu_denom = 0;
+static const uint32_t log2_max_mv_length_horizontal = 15;
+static const uint32_t log2_max_mv_length_vertical = 15;
+static const uint32_t pps_pic_parameter_set_id = 0;
+static const uint32_t pps_seq_parameter_set_id = sps_seq_parameter_set_id;
+static const bool short_term_ref_pic_set_sps_flag = 0;
+// mburakov: Below entries are defaulted by ffmpeg:
+static const bool general_inbld_flag = 0;
+static const bool vps_extension_flag = 0;
+static const bool aspect_ratio_info_present_flag = 0;
+static const bool overscan_info_present_flag = 0;
+static const bool neutral_chroma_indication_flag = 0;
+static const bool field_seq_flag = 0;
+static const bool frame_field_info_present_flag = 0;
+static const bool default_display_window_flag = 0;
+static const bool tiles_fixed_structure_flag = 0;
+static const uint32_t min_spatial_segmentation_idc = 0;
+static const bool sps_extension_present_flag = 0;
+static const bool output_flag_present_flag = 0;
+static const uint8_t num_extra_slice_header_bits = 0;
+static const bool cabac_init_present_flag = 0;
+static const bool pps_slice_chroma_qp_offsets_present_flag = 0;
+static const bool deblocking_filter_control_present_flag = 0;
+static const bool lists_modification_present_flag = 0;
+static const bool slice_segment_header_extension_present_flag = 0;
+static const bool pps_extension_present_flag = 0;
+static const uint32_t motion_vector_resolution_control_idc = 0;
+static const bool pps_slice_act_qp_offsets_present_flag = 0;
+static const bool chroma_qp_offset_list_enabled_flag = 0;
+static const bool deblocking_filter_override_enabled_flag = 0;
+static const bool deblocking_filter_override_flag = 0;
+static const uint32_t num_entry_point_offsets = 0;
+// NAL unit header syntax
+static void PackNalUnitHeader(struct Bitstream* bitstream,
+ uint8_t nal_unit_type) {
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 32, 0x00000001);
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, 0); // forbidden_zero_bit
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 6, nal_unit_type);
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 6, 0); // nuh_layer_id
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 3, 1); // nuh_temporal_id_plus1
+// 7.3.3 Profile, tier and level syntax
+static void PackProfileTierLevel(struct Bitstream* bitstream,
+ const VAEncSequenceParameterBufferHEVC* seq,
+ bool profilePresentFlag,
+ uint8_t maxNumSubLayersMinus1) {
+ if (profilePresentFlag) {
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 2, general_profile_space);
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, seq->general_tier_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 5, seq->general_profile_idc);
+ // mburakov: ffmpeg deduces general_profile_compatibility_flag.
+ bool general_profile_compatibility_flag[32] = {0};
+ general_profile_compatibility_flag[seq->general_profile_idc] = 1;
+ if (general_profile_compatibility_flag[1])
+ general_profile_compatibility_flag[2] = 1;
+ if (general_profile_compatibility_flag[3]) {
+ general_profile_compatibility_flag[1] = 1;
+ general_profile_compatibility_flag[2] = 1;
+ }
+ for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 32; j++)
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, general_profile_compatibility_flag[j]);
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, general_progressive_source_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, general_interlaced_source_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, general_non_packed_constraint_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, general_frame_only_constraint_flag);
+ if (seq->general_profile_idc == 4 ||
+ general_profile_compatibility_flag[4] ||
+ seq->general_profile_idc == 5 ||
+ general_profile_compatibility_flag[5] ||
+ seq->general_profile_idc == 6 ||
+ general_profile_compatibility_flag[6] ||
+ seq->general_profile_idc == 7 ||
+ general_profile_compatibility_flag[7] ||
+ seq->general_profile_idc == 8 ||
+ general_profile_compatibility_flag[8] ||
+ seq->general_profile_idc == 9 ||
+ general_profile_compatibility_flag[9] ||
+ seq->general_profile_idc == 10 ||
+ general_profile_compatibility_flag[10] ||
+ seq->general_profile_idc == 11 ||
+ general_profile_compatibility_flag[11]) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ } else if (seq->general_profile_idc == 2 ||
+ general_profile_compatibility_flag[2]) {
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 7, 0); // general_reserved_zero_7bits
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, general_one_picture_only_constraint_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 24, 0); // general_reserved_zero_35bits
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 11, 0); // general_reserved_zero_35bits
+ } else {
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 24, 0); // general_reserved_zero_43bits
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 19, 0); // general_reserved_zero_43bits
+ }
+ if (seq->general_profile_idc == 1 ||
+ general_profile_compatibility_flag[1] ||
+ seq->general_profile_idc == 2 ||
+ general_profile_compatibility_flag[2] ||
+ seq->general_profile_idc == 3 ||
+ general_profile_compatibility_flag[3] ||
+ seq->general_profile_idc == 4 ||
+ general_profile_compatibility_flag[4] ||
+ seq->general_profile_idc == 5 ||
+ general_profile_compatibility_flag[5] ||
+ seq->general_profile_idc == 9 ||
+ general_profile_compatibility_flag[9] ||
+ seq->general_profile_idc == 11 ||
+ general_profile_compatibility_flag[11]) {
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, general_inbld_flag);
+ } else {
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, 0); // general_reserved_zero_bit
+ }
+ }
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 8, seq->general_level_idc);
+ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < maxNumSubLayersMinus1; i++) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ if (maxNumSubLayersMinus1 > 0) {
+ for (uint8_t i = maxNumSubLayersMinus1; i < 8; i++)
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 2, 0); // reserved_zero_2bits
+ }
+ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < maxNumSubLayersMinus1; i++) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+// RBSP trailing bits syntax
+static void PackRbspTrailingBits(struct Bitstream* bitstream) {
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, 1); // rbsp_stop_one_bit
+ BitstreamByteAlign(bitstream); // rbsp_alignment_zero_bit
+// Video parameter set RBSP syntax
+void PackVideoParameterSetNalUnit(struct Bitstream* bitstream,
+ const VAEncSequenceParameterBufferHEVC* seq,
+ const struct MoreVideoParameters* mvp) {
+ PackNalUnitHeader(bitstream, VPS_NUT);
+ char buffer_on_the_stack[64];
+ struct Bitstream vps_rbsp = {
+ .data = buffer_on_the_stack,
+ .size = 0,
+ };
+ BitstreamAppend(&vps_rbsp, 4, vps_video_parameter_set_id);
+ BitstreamAppend(&vps_rbsp, 1, vps_base_layer_internal_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(&vps_rbsp, 1, vps_base_layer_available_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(&vps_rbsp, 6, vps_max_layers_minus1);
+ BitstreamAppend(&vps_rbsp, 3, vps_max_sub_layers_minus1);
+ BitstreamAppend(&vps_rbsp, 1, vps_temporal_id_nesting_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(&vps_rbsp, 16, 0xffff); // vps_reserved_0xffff_16bits
+ PackProfileTierLevel(&vps_rbsp, seq, 1, vps_max_sub_layers_minus1);
+ BitstreamAppend(&vps_rbsp, 1, vps_sub_layer_ordering_info_present_flag);
+ for (uint8_t i = (vps_sub_layer_ordering_info_present_flag
+ ? 0
+ : vps_max_sub_layers_minus1);
+ i <= vps_max_sub_layers_minus1; i++) {
+ if (i != vps_max_sub_layers_minus1) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ BitstreamAppendUE(
+ &vps_rbsp, mvp->max_b_depth + 1); // vps_max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&vps_rbsp, mvp->max_b_depth); // vps_max_num_reorder_pics
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&vps_rbsp, vps_max_latency_increase_plus1);
+ }
+ BitstreamAppend(&vps_rbsp, 6, vps_max_layer_id);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&vps_rbsp, vps_num_layer_sets_minus1);
+ for (uint8_t i = 1; i <= vps_max_layers_minus1; i++) {
+ for (uint8_t j = 0; j <= vps_max_layer_id; j++) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
+ BitstreamAppend(&vps_rbsp, 1, vps_timing_info_present_flag);
+ if (vps_timing_info_present_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Is this section required?
+ BitstreamAppend(&vps_rbsp, 32,
+ mvp->time_base_num); // vps_num_units_in_tick
+ BitstreamAppend(&vps_rbsp, 32, mvp->time_base_den); // vps_time_scale
+ BitstreamAppend(&vps_rbsp, 1, vps_poc_proportional_to_timing_flag);
+ if (vps_poc_proportional_to_timing_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&vps_rbsp, vps_num_hrd_parameters);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < vps_num_hrd_parameters; i++) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
+ BitstreamAppend(&vps_rbsp, 1, vps_extension_flag);
+ if (vps_extension_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ PackRbspTrailingBits(&vps_rbsp);
+ BitstreamInflate(bitstream, &vps_rbsp);
+// E.2.1 VUI parameters syntax
+static void PackVuiParameters(struct Bitstream* bitstream,
+ const struct MoreVideoParameters* mvp,
+ const struct MoreSeqParameters* msp) {
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, aspect_ratio_info_present_flag);
+ if (aspect_ratio_info_present_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, overscan_info_present_flag);
+ if (overscan_info_present_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, msp->video_signal_type_present_flag);
+ if (msp->video_signal_type_present_flag) {
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 3, video_format);
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, msp->video_full_range_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, msp->colour_description_present_flag);
+ if (msp->colour_description_present_flag) {
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 8, msp->colour_primaries);
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 8, msp->transfer_characteristics);
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 8, msp->matrix_coeffs);
+ }
+ }
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, msp->chroma_loc_info_present_flag);
+ if (msp->chroma_loc_info_present_flag) {
+ BitstreamAppendUE(bitstream, msp->chroma_sample_loc_type_top_field);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(bitstream, msp->chroma_sample_loc_type_bottom_field);
+ }
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, neutral_chroma_indication_flag);
+ if (neutral_chroma_indication_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, field_seq_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, frame_field_info_present_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, default_display_window_flag);
+ if (default_display_window_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, vui_timing_info_present_flag);
+ if (vui_timing_info_present_flag) {
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 32,
+ mvp->time_base_num); // vui_num_units_in_tick
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 32, mvp->time_base_den); // vui_time_scale
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, vui_poc_proportional_to_timing_flag);
+ if (vui_poc_proportional_to_timing_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, vui_hrd_parameters_present_flag);
+ if (vui_hrd_parameters_present_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, bitstream_restriction_flag);
+ if (bitstream_restriction_flag) {
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, tiles_fixed_structure_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, motion_vectors_over_pic_boundaries_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(bitstream, 1, restricted_ref_pic_lists_flag);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(bitstream, min_spatial_segmentation_idc);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(bitstream, max_bytes_per_pic_denom);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(bitstream, max_bits_per_min_cu_denom);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(bitstream, log2_max_mv_length_horizontal);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(bitstream, log2_max_mv_length_vertical);
+ }
+void PackSeqParameterSetNalUnit(struct Bitstream* bitstream,
+ const VAEncSequenceParameterBufferHEVC* seq,
+ const struct MoreVideoParameters* mvp,
+ const struct MoreSeqParameters* msp) {
+ const typeof(seq->seq_fields.bits)* seq_bits = &seq->seq_fields.bits;
+ PackNalUnitHeader(bitstream, SPS_NUT);
+ char buffer_on_the_stack[64];
+ struct Bitstream sps_rbsp = {
+ .data = buffer_on_the_stack,
+ .size = 0,
+ };
+ BitstreamAppend(&sps_rbsp, 4, sps_video_parameter_set_id);
+ BitstreamAppend(&sps_rbsp, 3, sps_max_sub_layers_minus1);
+ BitstreamAppend(&sps_rbsp, 1, sps_temporal_id_nesting_flag);
+ PackProfileTierLevel(&sps_rbsp, seq, 1, sps_max_sub_layers_minus1);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&sps_rbsp, sps_seq_parameter_set_id);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&sps_rbsp, seq_bits->chroma_format_idc);
+ if (seq_bits->chroma_format_idc == 3) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&sps_rbsp, seq->pic_width_in_luma_samples);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&sps_rbsp, seq->pic_height_in_luma_samples);
+ bool conformance_window_flag =
+ msp->crop_width != seq->pic_width_in_luma_samples ||
+ msp->crop_height != seq->pic_height_in_luma_samples;
+ BitstreamAppend(&sps_rbsp, 1, conformance_window_flag);
+ if (conformance_window_flag) {
+ if (seq_bits->chroma_format_idc != 1) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ // mburakov: Offsets are in chroma samples.
+ uint32_t conf_win_right_offset =
+ (seq->pic_width_in_luma_samples - msp->crop_width) / 2;
+ uint32_t conf_win_bottom_offset =
+ (seq->pic_height_in_luma_samples - msp->crop_height) / 2;
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&sps_rbsp, 0); // conf_win_left_offset
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&sps_rbsp, conf_win_right_offset);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&sps_rbsp, 0); // conf_win_top_offset
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&sps_rbsp, conf_win_bottom_offset);
+ }
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&sps_rbsp, seq_bits->bit_depth_luma_minus8);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&sps_rbsp, seq_bits->bit_depth_chroma_minus8);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&sps_rbsp, log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4);
+ BitstreamAppend(&sps_rbsp, 1, sps_sub_layer_ordering_info_present_flag);
+ for (uint8_t i = (sps_sub_layer_ordering_info_present_flag
+ ? 0
+ : sps_max_sub_layers_minus1);
+ i <= sps_max_sub_layers_minus1; i++) {
+ if (i != sps_max_sub_layers_minus1) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ BitstreamAppendUE(
+ &sps_rbsp, mvp->max_b_depth + 1); // vps_max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&sps_rbsp, mvp->max_b_depth); // vps_max_num_reorder_pics
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&sps_rbsp, sps_max_latency_increase_plus1);
+ }
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&sps_rbsp, seq->log2_min_luma_coding_block_size_minus3);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&sps_rbsp, seq->log2_diff_max_min_luma_coding_block_size);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&sps_rbsp, seq->log2_min_transform_block_size_minus2);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&sps_rbsp, seq->log2_diff_max_min_transform_block_size);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&sps_rbsp, seq->max_transform_hierarchy_depth_inter);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&sps_rbsp, seq->max_transform_hierarchy_depth_intra);
+ BitstreamAppend(&sps_rbsp, 1, seq_bits->scaling_list_enabled_flag);
+ if (seq_bits->scaling_list_enabled_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ BitstreamAppend(&sps_rbsp, 1, seq_bits->amp_enabled_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(&sps_rbsp, 1, seq_bits->sample_adaptive_offset_enabled_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(&sps_rbsp, 1, seq_bits->pcm_enabled_flag);
+ if (seq_bits->pcm_enabled_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&sps_rbsp, num_short_term_ref_pic_sets);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_short_term_ref_pic_sets; i++) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ BitstreamAppend(&sps_rbsp, 1, long_term_ref_pics_present_flag);
+ if (long_term_ref_pics_present_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ BitstreamAppend(&sps_rbsp, 1, seq_bits->sps_temporal_mvp_enabled_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(&sps_rbsp, 1, seq_bits->strong_intra_smoothing_enabled_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(&sps_rbsp, 1, vui_parameters_present_flag);
+ if (vui_parameters_present_flag) PackVuiParameters(&sps_rbsp, mvp, msp);
+ BitstreamAppend(&sps_rbsp, 1, sps_extension_present_flag);
+ if (sps_extension_present_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ PackRbspTrailingBits(&sps_rbsp);
+ BitstreamInflate(bitstream, &sps_rbsp);
+// General picture parameter set RBSP syntax
+void PackPicParameterSetNalUnit(struct Bitstream* bitstream,
+ const VAEncPictureParameterBufferHEVC* pic) {
+ const typeof(pic->pic_fields.bits)* pic_bits = &pic->pic_fields.bits;
+ PackNalUnitHeader(bitstream, PPS_NUT);
+ char buffer_on_the_stack[64];
+ struct Bitstream pps_rbsp = {
+ .data = buffer_on_the_stack,
+ .size = 0,
+ };
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&pps_rbsp, pps_pic_parameter_set_id);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&pps_rbsp, pps_seq_parameter_set_id);
+ BitstreamAppend(&pps_rbsp, 1,
+ pic_bits->dependent_slice_segments_enabled_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(&pps_rbsp, 1, output_flag_present_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(&pps_rbsp, 3, num_extra_slice_header_bits);
+ BitstreamAppend(&pps_rbsp, 1, pic_bits->sign_data_hiding_enabled_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(&pps_rbsp, 1, cabac_init_present_flag);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&pps_rbsp, pic->num_ref_idx_l0_default_active_minus1);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&pps_rbsp, pic->num_ref_idx_l1_default_active_minus1);
+ BitstreamAppendSE(&pps_rbsp,
+ pic->pic_init_qp - 26); // init_qp_minus26
+ BitstreamAppend(&pps_rbsp, 1, pic_bits->constrained_intra_pred_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(&pps_rbsp, 1, pic_bits->transform_skip_enabled_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(&pps_rbsp, 1, pic_bits->cu_qp_delta_enabled_flag);
+ if (pic_bits->cu_qp_delta_enabled_flag)
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&pps_rbsp, pic->diff_cu_qp_delta_depth);
+ BitstreamAppendSE(&pps_rbsp, pic->pps_cb_qp_offset);
+ BitstreamAppendSE(&pps_rbsp, pic->pps_cr_qp_offset);
+ BitstreamAppend(&pps_rbsp, 1, pps_slice_chroma_qp_offsets_present_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(&pps_rbsp, 1, pic_bits->weighted_pred_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(&pps_rbsp, 1, pic_bits->weighted_bipred_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(&pps_rbsp, 1, pic_bits->transquant_bypass_enabled_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(&pps_rbsp, 1, pic_bits->tiles_enabled_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(&pps_rbsp, 1, pic_bits->entropy_coding_sync_enabled_flag);
+ if (pic_bits->tiles_enabled_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ BitstreamAppend(&pps_rbsp, 1,
+ pic_bits->pps_loop_filter_across_slices_enabled_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(&pps_rbsp, 1, deblocking_filter_control_present_flag);
+ if (deblocking_filter_control_present_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ BitstreamAppend(&pps_rbsp, 1, pic_bits->scaling_list_data_present_flag);
+ if (pic_bits->scaling_list_data_present_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ BitstreamAppend(&pps_rbsp, 1, lists_modification_present_flag);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&pps_rbsp, pic->log2_parallel_merge_level_minus2);
+ BitstreamAppend(&pps_rbsp, 1, slice_segment_header_extension_present_flag);
+ BitstreamAppend(&pps_rbsp, 1, pps_extension_present_flag);
+ if (pps_extension_present_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!
+ abort();
+ }
+ PackRbspTrailingBits(&pps_rbsp);
+ BitstreamInflate(bitstream, &pps_rbsp);
+// General slice segment header syntax
+void PackSliceSegmentHeaderNalUnit(struct Bitstream* bitstream,
+ const VAEncSequenceParameterBufferHEVC* seq,
+ const VAEncPictureParameterBufferHEVC* pic,
+ const VAEncSliceParameterBufferHEVC* slice,
+ const struct MoreSliceParamerters* msp) {
+ const typeof(seq->seq_fields.bits)* seq_bits = &seq->seq_fields.bits;
+ const typeof(pic->pic_fields.bits)* pic_bits = &pic->pic_fields.bits;
+ const typeof(slice->slice_fields.bits)* slice_bits =
+ &slice->slice_fields.bits;
+ PackNalUnitHeader(bitstream, pic->nal_unit_type);
+ char buffer_on_the_stack[64];
+ struct Bitstream slice_rbsp = {
+ .data = buffer_on_the_stack,
+ .size = 0,
+ };
+ BitstreamAppend(&slice_rbsp, 1, msp->first_slice_segment_in_pic_flag);
+ if (pic->nal_unit_type >= BLA_W_LP && pic->nal_unit_type <= RSV_IRAP_VCL23)
+ BitstreamAppend(&slice_rbsp, 1, pic_bits->no_output_of_prior_pics_flag);
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&slice_rbsp, slice->slice_pic_parameter_set_id);
+ if (!msp->first_slice_segment_in_pic_flag) {
+ if (pic_bits->dependent_slice_segments_enabled_flag)
+ BitstreamAppend(&slice_rbsp, 1, slice_bits->dependent_slice_segment_flag);
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!!!
+ abort();
+ }
+ if (!slice_bits->dependent_slice_segment_flag) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_extra_slice_header_bits; i++) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!!!
+ abort();
+ }
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&slice_rbsp, slice->slice_type);
+ if (output_flag_present_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!!!
+ abort();
+ }
+ if (seq_bits->separate_colour_plane_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!!!
+ abort();
+ }
+ if (pic->nal_unit_type != IDR_W_RADL && pic->nal_unit_type != IDR_N_LP) {
+ uint32_t slice_pic_order_cnt_lsb =
+ pic->decoded_curr_pic.pic_order_cnt &
+ (1 << (log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 + 4)) - 1;
+ BitstreamAppend(&slice_rbsp, log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 + 4,
+ slice_pic_order_cnt_lsb);
+ BitstreamAppend(&slice_rbsp, 1, short_term_ref_pic_set_sps_flag);
+ if (!short_term_ref_pic_set_sps_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!!!
+ abort();
+ } else if (num_short_term_ref_pic_sets > 0) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!!!
+ abort();
+ }
+ if (long_term_ref_pics_present_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!!!
+ abort();
+ }
+ if (seq_bits->sps_temporal_mvp_enabled_flag) {
+ BitstreamAppend(&slice_rbsp, 1,
+ slice_bits->slice_temporal_mvp_enabled_flag);
+ }
+ }
+ if (seq_bits->sample_adaptive_offset_enabled_flag) {
+ BitstreamAppend(&slice_rbsp, 1, slice_bits->slice_sao_luma_flag);
+ uint32_t ChromaArrayType = !seq_bits->separate_colour_plane_flag
+ ? seq_bits->chroma_format_idc
+ : 0;
+ if (ChromaArrayType != 0)
+ BitstreamAppend(&slice_rbsp, 1, slice_bits->slice_sao_chroma_flag);
+ }
+ if (slice->slice_type == P || slice->slice_type == B) {
+ BitstreamAppend(&slice_rbsp, 1,
+ slice_bits->num_ref_idx_active_override_flag);
+ if (slice_bits->num_ref_idx_active_override_flag) {
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&slice_rbsp, slice->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1);
+ if (slice->slice_type == B)
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&slice_rbsp, slice->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1);
+ }
+ if (lists_modification_present_flag /* && NumPicTotalCurr > 1*/) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!!!
+ abort();
+ }
+ if (slice->slice_type == B)
+ BitstreamAppend(&slice_rbsp, 1, slice_bits->mvd_l1_zero_flag);
+ if (cabac_init_present_flag)
+ BitstreamAppend(&slice_rbsp, 1, slice_bits->cabac_init_flag);
+ if (slice_bits->slice_temporal_mvp_enabled_flag) {
+ if (slice->slice_type == B)
+ BitstreamAppend(&slice_rbsp, 1, slice_bits->collocated_from_l0_flag);
+ if ((slice_bits->collocated_from_l0_flag &&
+ slice->num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 > 0) ||
+ (!slice_bits->collocated_from_l0_flag &&
+ slice->num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 > 0))
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&slice_rbsp, pic->collocated_ref_pic_index);
+ }
+ if ((pic_bits->weighted_pred_flag && slice->slice_type == P) ||
+ (pic_bits->weighted_bipred_flag && slice->slice_type == B)) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!!!
+ abort();
+ }
+ BitstreamAppendUE(
+ &slice_rbsp,
+ 5 - slice->max_num_merge_cand); // five_minus_max_num_merge_cand
+ if (motion_vector_resolution_control_idc == 2) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!!!
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
+ BitstreamAppendSE(&slice_rbsp, slice->slice_qp_delta);
+ if (pps_slice_chroma_qp_offsets_present_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!!!
+ abort();
+ }
+ if (pps_slice_act_qp_offsets_present_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!!!
+ abort();
+ }
+ if (chroma_qp_offset_list_enabled_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!!!
+ abort();
+ }
+ if (deblocking_filter_override_enabled_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!!!
+ abort();
+ }
+ if (deblocking_filter_override_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!!!
+ abort();
+ }
+ if (pic_bits->pps_loop_filter_across_slices_enabled_flag &&
+ (slice_bits->slice_sao_luma_flag || slice_bits->slice_sao_chroma_flag ||
+ !slice_bits->slice_deblocking_filter_disabled_flag)) {
+ BitstreamAppend(&slice_rbsp, 1,
+ slice_bits->slice_loop_filter_across_slices_enabled_flag);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pic_bits->tiles_enabled_flag ||
+ pic_bits->entropy_coding_sync_enabled_flag) {
+ BitstreamAppendUE(&slice_rbsp, num_entry_point_offsets);
+ if (num_entry_point_offsets > 0) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!!!
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
+ if (slice_segment_header_extension_present_flag) {
+ // TODO(mburakov): Implement this!!!
+ abort();
+ }
+ PackRbspTrailingBits(&slice_rbsp);
+ BitstreamInflate(bitstream, &slice_rbsp);