path: root/capture.c
diff options
authorMikhail Burakov <>2023-10-15 09:28:50 +0200
committerMikhail Burakov <>2023-10-15 16:36:02 +0200
commit9adec996efea0356547e797b36046103bec449e0 (patch)
tree456ee32048b38ba73085eb0487b1376088f320a7 /capture.c
parent0e3c61abed24e2fec2148b22fe204e28074f1e90 (diff)
Preparations for adding wlr capturing
Diffstat (limited to 'capture.c')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/capture.c b/capture.c
index f5283db..c0ea634 100644
--- a/capture.c
+++ b/capture.c
@@ -17,174 +17,61 @@
#include "capture.h"
-#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <xf86drm.h>
-#include "gpu.h"
+#include "capture_kms.h"
+#include "capture_wlr.h"
#include "toolbox/utils.h"
struct CaptureContext {
- struct GpuContext* gpu_context;
- int drm_fd;
- uint32_t crtc_id;
- struct GpuFrame* gpu_frame;
+ struct CaptureContextKms* kms;
+ struct CaptureContextWlr* wlr;
-static int OpenAnyModule(void) {
- static const char* const modules[] = {
- "i915", "amdgpu", "radeon", "nouveau", "vmwgfx",
- "omapdrm", "exynos", "tilcdc", "msm", "sti",
- "tegra", "imx-drm", "rockchip", "atmel-hlcdc", "fsl-dcu-drm",
- "vc4", "virtio_gpu", "mediatek", "meson", "pl111",
- "stm", "sun4i-drm", "armada-drm", "komeda", "imx-dcss",
- "mxsfb-drm", "simpledrm", "imx-lcdif", "vkms",
- };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < LENGTH(modules); i++) {
- int drm_fd = drmOpen(modules[i], NULL);
- if (drm_fd >= 0) return drm_fd;
- LOG("Failed to open %s (%s)", modules[i], strerror(errno));
- }
- return -1;
-static bool GetCrtcFb(int drm_fd, uint32_t crtc_id,
- struct drm_mode_fb_cmd2* drm_mode_fb_cmd2) {
- struct drm_mode_crtc drm_mode_crtc = {
- .crtc_id = crtc_id,
- };
- if (drmIoctl(drm_fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETCRTC, &drm_mode_crtc)) {
- LOG("Failed to get crtc %u (%s)", crtc_id, strerror(errno));
- return false;
- }
- if (!drm_mode_crtc.fb_id) {
- LOG("Crtc %u has no framebuffer", crtc_id);
- return false;
- }
- struct drm_mode_fb_cmd2 result = {
- .fb_id = drm_mode_crtc.fb_id,
- };
- if (drmIoctl(drm_fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETFB2, &result)) {
- LOG("Failed to get framebuffer %u (%s)", drm_mode_crtc.fb_id,
- strerror(errno));
- return false;
- }
- if (!result.handles[0]) {
- LOG("Framebuffer %u has no handles", drm_mode_crtc.fb_id);
- return false;
- }
- if (drm_mode_fb_cmd2) *drm_mode_fb_cmd2 = result;
- return true;
-struct CaptureContext* CaptureContextCreate(struct GpuContext* gpu_context) {
+struct CaptureContext* CaptureContextCreate(
+ struct GpuContext* gpu_context,
+ const struct CaptureContextCallbacks* callbacks, void* user) {
struct CaptureContext* capture_context =
- malloc(sizeof(struct CaptureContext));
+ calloc(1, sizeof(struct CaptureContext));
if (!capture_context) {
LOG("Failed to allocate capture context (%s)", strerror(errno));
return NULL;
- *capture_context = (struct CaptureContext){
- .gpu_context = gpu_context,
- .drm_fd = -1,
- };
- capture_context->drm_fd = OpenAnyModule();
- if (capture_context->drm_fd == -1) {
- LOG("Failed to open any module");
- goto rollback_capture_context;
- }
+ capture_context->kms = CaptureContextKmsCreate(gpu_context, callbacks, user);
+ if (capture_context->kms) return capture_context;
- uint32_t crtc_ids[16];
- struct drm_mode_card_res drm_mode_card_res = {
- .crtc_id_ptr = (uintptr_t)crtc_ids,
- .count_crtcs = LENGTH(crtc_ids),
- };
- if (drmIoctl(capture_context->drm_fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETRESOURCES,
- &drm_mode_card_res)) {
- LOG("Failed to get drm mode resources (%s)", strerror(errno));
- goto rollback_drm_fd;
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < drm_mode_card_res.count_crtcs; i++) {
- if (GetCrtcFb(capture_context->drm_fd, crtc_ids[i], NULL)) {
- LOG("Capturing crtc %u", crtc_ids[i]);
- capture_context->crtc_id = crtc_ids[i];
- return capture_context;
- }
- }
- LOG("Nothing to capture");
+ LOG("Failed to create kms capture context");
+ capture_context->wlr = CaptureContextWlrCreate(gpu_context, callbacks, user);
+ if (capture_context->wlr) return capture_context;
- drmClose(capture_context->drm_fd);
+ LOG("Failed to create wlr capture context");
return NULL;
-const struct GpuFrame* CaptureContextGetFrame(
- struct CaptureContext* capture_context) {
- struct drm_mode_fb_cmd2 drm_mode_fb_cmd2;
- if (!GetCrtcFb(capture_context->drm_fd, capture_context->crtc_id,
- &drm_mode_fb_cmd2))
- return NULL;
- if (capture_context->gpu_frame) {
- GpuContextDestroyFrame(capture_context->gpu_context,
- capture_context->gpu_frame);
- capture_context->gpu_frame = NULL;
- }
- struct GpuFramePlane planes[] = {
- {.dmabuf_fd = -1},
- {.dmabuf_fd = -1},
- {.dmabuf_fd = -1},
- {.dmabuf_fd = -1},
- };
- static_assert(LENGTH(planes) == LENGTH(drm_mode_fb_cmd2.handles),
- "Suspicious drm_mode_fb_cmd2 structure");
- size_t nplanes = 0;
- for (; nplanes < LENGTH(planes); nplanes++) {
- if (!drm_mode_fb_cmd2.handles[nplanes]) break;
- int status = drmPrimeHandleToFD(capture_context->drm_fd,
- drm_mode_fb_cmd2.handles[nplanes], 0,
- &planes[nplanes].dmabuf_fd);
- if (status) {
- LOG("Failed to get dmabuf fd (%d)", status);
- goto release_planes;
- }
- planes[nplanes].offset = drm_mode_fb_cmd2.offsets[nplanes];
- planes[nplanes].pitch = drm_mode_fb_cmd2.pitches[nplanes];
- planes[nplanes].modifier = drm_mode_fb_cmd2.modifier[nplanes];
- }
- capture_context->gpu_frame = GpuContextCreateFrame(
- capture_context->gpu_context, drm_mode_fb_cmd2.width,
- drm_mode_fb_cmd2.height, drm_mode_fb_cmd2.pixel_format, nplanes, planes);
- if (!capture_context->gpu_frame) {
- LOG("Failed to create gpu frame");
- goto release_planes;
- }
- return capture_context->gpu_frame;
+int CaptureContextGetEventsFd(struct CaptureContext* capture_context) {
+ if (capture_context->kms)
+ return CaptureContextKmsGetEventsFd(capture_context->kms);
+ if (capture_context->wlr)
+ return CaptureContextWlrGetEventsFd(capture_context->wlr);
+ return -1;
- CloseUniqueFds((int[]){planes[0].dmabuf_fd, planes[1].dmabuf_fd,
- planes[2].dmabuf_fd, planes[3].dmabuf_fd});
- return NULL;
+bool CaptureContextProcessEvents(struct CaptureContext* capture_context) {
+ if (capture_context->kms)
+ return CaptureContextKmsProcessEvents(capture_context->kms);
+ if (capture_context->wlr)
+ return CaptureContextWlrProcessEvents(capture_context->wlr);
+ return false;
void CaptureContextDestroy(struct CaptureContext* capture_context) {
- if (capture_context->gpu_frame) {
- GpuContextDestroyFrame(capture_context->gpu_context,
- capture_context->gpu_frame);
- }
- drmClose(capture_context->drm_fd);
+ if (capture_context->wlr) CaptureContextWlrDestroy(capture_context->wlr);
+ if (capture_context->kms) CaptureContextKmsDestroy(capture_context->kms);